Mighty Is He Who Has Knowledge Old Hearst Become Young Again Persia


The Called Highway

by Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield (Sitarih Khanum)

previous chapter chapter 3 start page unmarried folio

Chapter four



Alphabetic character from Sitarih Khanum to Her Daughter Parvin

(Mrs. Basil Hall). House of Bahá'u'lláh, 'Akka

2nd May, 1922.

I came here yesterday by train--Diya Khanum, Tuba Khanum, Ruha Khanum, with their 3 little boys (Riyad, Fu'advert, and Hasan), and a few servants made up our party.

Information technology is impossible to convey in whatsoever words the interest of this visit.

Ruha Khanum and I went to the Billet, and saw the very courteous Military Governor, a British officer in khaki, who himself arranged to acquit our party, when the rest should arrive, over all parts of the aboriginal fortress castle, the prison house dwelling of Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abbas Effendi, Their families, and the seventy devoted disciples, who would non consent to exist separated from Him, whom they hailed as their Lord, every bit "Him Whom God should make Manifest," but followed Him into exile, prison, or death.

In the afternoon Mihrangz Khanum, Shoghi Effendi'south younger sister, and I sallied forth, guided by the son of an quondam laic, Aqa Riuda Qannad, who had been with his Chief throughout the terrible early days; this Persian Bahá'í took u.s. to see the Khan. This was an inn, where the pilgrims used to stay in that time, when, at length, rules being a little relaxed, and the believers having discovered where their Honey One was imprisoned, made long, arduous journeys, hoping to see Him. Here we came to the long, stone-floored room, where the friends used to spread out their bedding and rest, also the rows of footling rooms where families encamped. There was a room where a school for little children was afterwards arranged--poor niggling scholars--from early on morning time till dusk in an airless room, with dull studies, nothing interesting, zippo amusing; no breaks at present and then for play! Such scanty, tasteless scraps chosen dinner!

After the Ascent of Bahá'u'lláh there was likewise a room set apart for the little girls, who were, if possible, in a worse case than even the boys.


The Khan is a wonderfully picturesque edifice, built round a big court-g, with rows of rounded arches and columns on three sides.

Here the Primary's custom was to assemble all the poor, especially the children, of 'Akka, on Feast Days, both Christian and ;Muslim, also on the anniversary of the Sultan'due south coronation. Here He regaled them with sweets, cakes, fruit, and tea. He had the center fountain filled with sharbat, which was a bang-up treat. After this, we went through the narrow, winding streets of this unique historic boondocks to the great mosque. There nosotros met a polite Shaykh, who had become a devoted friend of 'Abbas Effendi; he turned back with us, and showed us the little room where the Master used to retreat, when He wished to meditate in peace and tranquillity.

It was hither that the Pasha of Yaman lived and died in exile. Of him more in another place.

And then the Shaykh took us into the mosque--impressive in its silent and reverent atmosphere. He pointed out a pocket-size alcove apart, where the Primary always prayed.

Upon the wall, in an honourable identify, hung a wonderful, intricately-written prayer, from the pen of the famous Mishkin Qalam; information technology is conspicuously signed "Mishkin Qalam, who am Bahá'í."

Other treasures were shown to usa: six pen-written sacred books, presented to the mosque by 'Abbas Effendi. Some others, marvellously illustrated with pen drawings (from Republic of india). Likewise many precious volumes, containing some thousands of the Hadiths (traditional utterances of Muhammad).

Continuing nigh were numbers of Muslim religious students, mannerly-looking youths, who courteously greeted us.

Hither was the large court-k where the poor congregated ;every Friday to receive alms, and make their various appeals to their "Beloved Father of the Poor," 'Abbas Effendi.

Everybody said "Oh, what a loss to the globe. He was Comforter, Protector, and Benefactor to all!"

'Abdu'l-Bahá lived forty years of His sanctified life in this fortress town, obeying the precepts of the following Tablet in an admittedly perfect manner.


Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh

"Be generous when k hast possessions.

"Be thankful if all be taken from thee.

"Be just to the dependents, reward them plenteously for their work.

"Show a grinning countenance to all.

"Be a treasure to the poor.

"Give good counsel to the wealthy.

"Exist conscientious to answer the appeal of the unhappy.

"Be not deaf to the cry of the needy.

"Fulfil thine every promise.

"Be non full of words at the gatherings together.

"Be just in thy commands.

"Be humble in thy dealings with mankind.

"Be not arrogant when in power, neither cast downwardly when the ability is no longer thine."

I am writing this on the balustrade outside the room where Bahá'u'lláh lived for about five years.

this house is spoken of as the large house--the firm of 'Abbud, the Christian merchant.

Next to this house is the small house, where in i room Bahá'u'lláh lived for twelve years--viii years of which was spent without once going out, even across the street to the Biruni!

In this house were 4 rooms just:! For the pilgrims and for the family! (The men pilgrims who were unmarried, and the families, were accommodated at the Khan.)

One room, the best, was e'er kept sacred to Bahá'u'lláh. The family, Asiyih Khanum, the Most Exalted Leaf, their daughter, and the Main surrounded their Beloved with all the devoted care that was possible.

In one of the rooms 13 persons, pilgrims and the ladies, sometimes slept. A shelf was there, on which an active pilgrim would tranquility, and on 1 occasion rolled off!

This programme was for those days before the spousal relationship of 'Abbas Effendi--when the door was opened through to a room of the larger business firm. This is next to the smaller house where 'Abbas Effendi brought His bride, and where all His children were built-in.


The incident of the opening of the door has already been described in various accounts of this time.

This is the firm where the Kitab-i-Aqdas, the Near Holy Book, and many Tablets of sublime beauty were written. It was likewise this house which was one solar day surrounded with soldiers sent to arrest Bahá'u'lláh and the Master.

[Footnote: The story of the events which culminated in this deplorable occurrence are related in another chapter, partly from a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh written to a friend in Persia, and from a talk past 'Abdu'fifty-Bahá on the subject, some of the details being given by the Most Exalted Leaf.]

I am sleeping in the room of Asiyih Khanum. I was witting all nighttime of its benign atmosphere!

Afterwards visiting the mosque, nosotros went to see the business firm, taken four years later on the Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, where the American pilgrims get-go stayed, and where all the grandchildren of 'Abdu'l-Bahá were built-in. In this house, guarded by Turkish sentinels, the Principal was imprisoned for seven years, because of imitation accusations. 1 of the Sisters in accuse spoke English language: "Yeah, 'Abbas Effendi was a good friend to all. He came to come across me, and gave fifty pounds to this infirmary. He was a kind friend to my uncle and to me." This house is now a military infirmary--British!

2nd May:

This morning the Holy Mother and Khanum arrived, having motored over ;from Haifa; also Ruhangiz, sister of Shoghi Effendi, and Aqa Mirza Hadi--rows of guests were already sitting here.

Information technology was non very easy for us to leave, but all were anxious to visit the barracks, and the kind Captain would be expecting us. We were a party of nine ladies. Aqa Husayn, the cook, who had been with Bahá'u'lláh at Baghdad, and who had determined to back-trail u.s., came to tell usa reliable details about all the places, and scenes, of the captivity.

How could I convey the impression of this visit? The Saint Sister, daughter of Bahá'u'lláh, and the Holy Mother, wife of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, as they stood looking at the little, bare rooms, where their (and our) Love Ones were imprisoned! I imagined in what an intimate, poignantly center-rending flood of memories they walked, as they gazed with grief-filled eyes upon this barrack building, the home for many years of those


Two--destined to be the Not bad Educators of the earth, West as well equally Eastward, that globe which is also wet with tears!

There was the trivial room on the ground-floor, where Bahá'u'lláh stayed for a time, when He, with His family unit, arrived in 'Akka. This room is being carefully preserved untouched.

Shut by is the vault-similar room where the residuum of the family and the seventy "True-blue Ones" who accompanied them, were shut in for those first bloodcurdling days. All fell ill with typhoid but two, 'Abbas Effendi and one man, who, therefore, was able to help Him. The Chief nursed them, cooked for them, and Himself divided out the portions--seeing to tit that none were neglected nor forgotten.

The Greatest Holy Foliage, her eyes charged with memories, was with u.s. while we listened. She had been there in that terrible time, and was sick of that aforementioned fever, from the effects of which she has occasionally suffered all through her life.

* * *

A Letter from Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper to

Lady Blomfield Sent as a Contribution to

"The Chosen Highway"

Early in 1898 I received a alphabetic character from Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, my life-long friend, from California, telling me of a wonderful new religious educational activity with which she had come into touch. She said that she felt that information technology would exist of great interest to me, and that when she came to London, she would tell me all almost it.

A short time later on I was searching in the encyclopaedia for some information about King David, well-nigh whom I had had an argument. In turning over the pages, my eye was defenseless past a name, "Bab." I read on after the proper name, and constitute information technology to be the history of a messenger of God Who had been martyred in Persia, afterwards bringing a new interpretation of truth to the Muslims. In that location was something in this story of a martyr for His religion that so moved me that I went to the British Museum


to search for farther information regarding Him, and His instruction.

Later on, friends of Mrs. Hearst arrived on their style to the Turkish prison of 'Akka, virtually Mount Carmel. They were going in accelerate to make arrangements for Mrs. Hearst to visit the prison. This seemed an extraordinary voyage to make, but when I heard of the great Prisoner there, of His lifetime of martyrdomm, and of the station of His Begetter, Bahá'u'lláh, I eagerly began arrangements to accompany Mrs. Hearst on and then sacred a mission. It was then I learned that Bahá'u'lláh was the Promised One of the dispensation and education of the Bab. So I had been prepared.

Mrs. Hearst and I arrived in Cairo, Egypt, after a terrible storm at body of water, and remained there for a few days until all had been explained to u.s.a. regarding our actual journeying into the prison city.

We then took a pocket-size, miserable boat to Haifa. There was a storm here also, and nosotros were beaten virtually unmercifully in our all too inadequate steamer. Upon inflow we went to an hotel, where we remained until nightfall equally it was likewise dangerous for us, and for 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Whom nosotros were to visit, for strangers to be seen entering the metropolis of sorrow.

We took a railroad vehicle after the dark had fallen, and drove along the hard ;sand by "way of the sea across Jordan," which led us to the gates of the prison city. In that location our trusted driver bundled for us to enter. Once inside we found the friends who were awaiting us, and we started up the uneven stairs that led to Him. Someone went earlier the states with a pocket-sized slice of candle, which cast strange shadows on the walls of this silent place.

Suddenly the light caught a form that at first seemed a vision of mist and low-cal. It was the Master which the candle-light had revealed to usa. His white robe, and silverish, flowing pilus, and shining blue eyes gave the impression of a spirit, rather than of a homo being. Nosotros tried to tell Him how securely grateful nosotros were at His receiving us. "No," He answered, "y'all are kind to come." This was spoken in a very careful English.

And so He smiled, and we recognized the Low-cal which He possessed n the radiance which moved over His fine and noble confront. Information technology was an amazing experience. We four visitors from the


Western world felt that our voyage, with all its accompanying inconvenience was a minor price to pay for such treasure as we received from the spirit and words of the Principal, Whom we had crossed ;mountain and seas and nations to meet. This began our piece of work to "spread the teaching," to "mention the Name of Bahá'u'lláh, and acquaint the world with the Message."

(Signed) Maryam Thornburgh-Cropper.


Story of Mirza Ahmad (Eldest Son of Subh-i-Azal) at the

Pilgrim House, Haifa, Told to Sitarih Khanum

Translated by Mirza Aflatun

As Subh-i-Azal (the half-brother and enemy of Bahá'u'lláh) grew older, his eldest son, Mirza Ahmad, left Cyprus, to take upwards a post in a Constantinople bank.

Two of his brothers joined him for a time. The elder of these came to 'Akka a year or 2 after the Passing of Bahá'u'lláh, desiring to become a Bahá'í. Soon afterwards the younger brother came to 'Akka, besides wishing to go a Bahá'í. He stayed about seven months, during which time the Master was very kind to him.

Early in the year 1921 a grandson of Subh-i-Azal, who had been employed nether the British Regime in the "Censor" department, wrote to 'Abdu'l-Bahá maxim:

"I am very pleased to take become aware that I accept do distinguished a cousin. Will you permit me to visit y'all?"

He came, his visit lasted some time. He told the Master that his eldest uncle, Mirza Ahmad, remembered Bahá'u'lláh being very kind to him as a kid in Baghdad; he asked the the Master would permit him to come to visit Him.

He, himself, told the author in Haifa in 1922 of the swell joy it gave to come up into the presence of the Master, after fifty-3 years!

"All the bitterness of my life was turned into sweet," said Mirza Ahmad.

"How glad you must be that yous came in time to see the Master."

"Indeed yes, I used to wonder why the families should be separated through (as I thought) a deviation in the Didactics."

"When did ;you go aware of the truth of the matter?'

"Not until my nephew told me."

"How did your nephew know?"

"It was in this wise: My nephew was engaged in the Censor's


office during the war. He came across many messages concerning 'Abbas EFfendi, and began to realize something of His station from the reverent wording of the messages addressed to Him.

"It was with neat joy that my nephew realized, in the person of this wonderful and holy Personage, the cousin of his father. When the Main'south letter came, in answer to i of my nephew, he brought it to me to translate, he not being able to read the Persian linguistic communication.

"By this alphabetic character I began to sympathize the truth and to deplore the ignorance ion which I had lived for and then long.

"I lived in Constantinople for 15 years engaged in banking work.

"I did not frequent the guild of Persians, for I knew they would shun me because I was the son of Subh-i-Azal, the half-brother of Bahá'u'lláh.

"My father had the unfortunate addiction of often marrying!"


The Story of Shaykh Mahmud

Told by His Granddaughter, Now Living in 'Akka, 1922

The following story had an atmosphere of its ain, spoken in Arabic, by a sweet-faced woman with a cute vocalism fraught with enthusiasm and sincerity, every bit she was sitting on the floor, nigh the feet of Munirih Khanum, the wife of 'Abdu'50-Bahá. Listening to the translation by Munavvar Khanum, as the pictures were unfolded scene by scene, that morning, at the business firm of the Dear Primary, the occasion was one of those experiences most deeply engraved on my mind as I wrote the post-obit:

It was the time of Ramadan in the 1850. The Shaykh and his family had fasted until sundown. And then they had their accustomed repast. When they had finished, my grandfather, so a fiddling boy, cried out "Look! Wait! The sun is risen again, the sunday has come back!"

The whole family unit stood looking at the western sky, where a brilliant gleam was shining. It seemed to them miraculous, after the darkness which was in that location when they sat down to intermission their fast.

My great-grandpa hurried to consult an old Shaykh who was a much-revered friend. In a state of dandy distress he related to his friend the episode of the seeming render of the sun, being full of feet lest he and his family should have broken the police force which requires them to fast until the setting of the sun.

The anile Shaykh fabricated answer:

"You have not cleaved the police, just a terrible crime has this day been committed in a far-off urban center of Persia; they have murdered the Mihdi, for whom nosotros have been waiting, who has come up to herald the coming of the 'Great One' into this mortal earth in fulfilment of the prophecies!

"Oh, the miserable blindness of man! How tin such things be?"

On the side by side twenty-four hour period the old Shaykh came to run into my great-


gramps. He called the young son (My grandfather, Shaykh Mahmud) and said to him:

"Hearken unto me, my child:

"Unto this urban center of 'Akka will come 1 day the 'Great One,' He volition abide in a loftier firm with many, many steps. His sustenance will be provided by the Government (i.e., a prisoner). Now thou wilt be here, in this city, when He cometh. I and thy father will have passed form this mortal earth, but mark well what I now say unto thee:

"We accuse thee to deliver the salutation of our hearts' devoted worship unto Him, mine and thy father'southward."

My grandfather, Shaykh Mahmud, told us that, although still a child, his father and his friend, the old Shaykh, spoke often to him, charging him to keep this, their command, ever in his mind, and to obey "when the fourth dimension should accept come."

Meanwhile, later many days had gone by, the terrible tidings came to us that, on the day of the episode of the return gleam of the sun, His HOliness the Bab had been shot to death in the market-place of Tabriz in Persia.

Time flowed on. The erstwhile Shaykh and my great-gramps, Shaykh Qasim 'Arabi, died, and my grandfather, Shakh Mahmud, grew upwards into manhood, existence always full of dear and devotion to his organized religion, that of Islam.

In the yr 1868, my grandfather was told that a powerful enemy of Islam had been brought to 'Akka, where he was imprisoned in a piffling room at the top of a loftier flying of steps. My grandpa thought it was his duty to kill such an enemy of his beloved religion.

Appropriately, he armed himself with a weapon secretly subconscious beneath his 'Aba (cloak).

He and so requested to exist permitted to speak with the Prisoner. The reply came:

"Grand hast permission to approach when grand shalt accept cast away thy weapon!"

Shaykh Mahmud was profoundly astonished at the mention of the weapon, of which he had spoken to nobody.

My grandfather then said inside himself, "I am a strong human being, I am able to kill this enemy by the strength of my easily, without the help of a weapon."


Again he sent his request to be received by the Prisoner. To which the answer came:

"When m shalt have purified thy heart, and then thou mayest come up."

Once again my granddad more profoundly marvelled.

Then a dream came. The old Shaykh and his male parent appeared to Shaykh Mahmud and thus spoke to him:

"Get to the gathering-place of the friends of this Prisoner and say unto them:


"They will accept no heed of thee at beginning, then say a second time:


"Even so they will ignore thee.

"And then weep aloud for the third time:


"At present i volition question thee: 'What meanest thousand by this word?' And then shalt one thousand speak of our charge unto thee, years ago, to evangelize the salutations of our hearts' devoted worship."

Every bit he heard these words, the eyes of my grandfather, Shaykh Mahmud, were opened, and he remembered all that the old Shaykh and his ain father, Shaykh Qasim 'Arabi, had said to him of the "Great One" Who should come, even to 'Akka, and how He should abide in a alpine domicile at the acme of a long flying of steps.

My grandfather sought out the gathering-together place of the friends of the Prisoner, the "Most Cracking Prisoner"; he was immune to enter, and all things took place in accordance with the command given in his dream.

The one Who said to him: "What meanest chiliad by this word, Allah-u-Abha?" was our beloved Master, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, through Whom my grandad, Shaykh Mahmud, was permitted to deliver the salutation of their hearts' devoted worship, the old Shaykhs' and that of my great-grandfather, Shaykh Qasim 'Arabi. And my grandfather, Shaykh Mahmud, believed, and all his family.

(Written downwardly by Sitarih Khanum (Lady Blomfield), 7th Jan, 1922. Mansion of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Haifa, Palestine.)


The Famous Red Robe "Tradition"

[Footnote: See page 53]

It is related that an account is given of an Indian Muslim, a holy human being of the eighth century, A.D., who, speaking of the "Great Solar day of God" to come,uttered these words:

"In that day the Holy I will be found abiding in a land called Karkh. He volition walk abreast the river, wearing the dervish turban, and wrapped in a ruddy robe. He volition be teaching His followers on the banks of the river. Would that I might exist privileged to enter His Presence, and to shed my life-blood in His Path."

The carmine robe which Bahá'u'lláh wore when He was educational activity HIs followers on the banks of the River Tigris was made of some pieces of Persian Tirmih. The married woman and daughter of Bahá'u'lláh fashioned this 'Aba in readiness for His return from the mountain land of Sulaymaniyyih. Karkh is the name of the district of Baghdad in which the Holy I dwelt.


Notes on the Baghdad Menstruation

During the sojourn of Bahá'u'lláh in the desert mountain places of Sulaymaniyyih, the Sufis of those districts, with a profound reverence for Him Whom they knew equally the "Nameless 1, Who has magnetized the land with His beloved," came to Him with their problems, craving for His explanations.

Bahá'u'lláh thus speaks of the time in the wilderness retreat:

"We took our departure ... to deserts of confinement, and spent two years in the wilderness of isolation. Many a night we were destitute of food, and many a day the body found no residuum.

"Notwithstanding these showering afflictions and successive calamities ... we continued in perfect happiness and exceeding joy."

When He was about to depart from the neighbourhood, these mystical people were disconsolate, and begged to know when and where they should come across Him again.

"I go to Baghdad," Bahá'u'lláh told them. "There you may find me."

Appropriately, afterwards on, having discovered His abode, one of these Sufis came to ask Him to depict "the journey of man towards his Creator."

Thereupon Bahá'u'lláh wrote The Seven Valleys.

In that remarkable piece of work He sets along the lands through which a pilgrim must travel before reaching his destination, which is the "Recognition of the Manifestation of God."

Hasan Balyuzi describes The Vii Valleys as "a gem of mystical prose, unsurpassed in its beauty, simplicity, and profundity."

Whilst in exile in Baghdad, Bahá'u'lláh unsealed The Subconscious Words.

After His return from the mountain state of Sulaymaniyyih, walking on the depository financial institution of the river Tigris, or sheltering in the hut built by His devoted friends, clad in the ruddy garment of


prophecy Jamal-i-Mubarak, the Blessed Dazzler, spoke thus of The Subconscious Words :

"This is that which hath descended from the realm of glory, uttered by the tongue of ability and might, and revealed unto the Prophets of erstwhile. We have taken the inner essence thereof, and clothed it in the garment of brevity, as a token of grace unto the righteous, that they may stand up true-blue unto the Covenant of God, may fulfil in their lives His trust, and in the realm of the spirit obtain the gem of Divine virtue."

In The Hidden Words we have the true unchangeable eye of all religion, the Voice of the Creator of all things visible and invisible, telling of the Beginning:

"O Son of Human!

"Veiled in My immemorial beingness and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, engraved on thee Mine image, and revealed to thee My beauty."

Thus the Voice calls upon us:

"I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou honey Me, that I may proper name thy proper noun, and make full thy soul with the spirit of life."

It is Honey, Dear always; simply nosotros must practise our office. The Voice commands:

"Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me non, My honey can in no wise attain thee. Know this, O servant!"

Doing our part, our destiny is bodacious:

"Thy Paradise is My love; thy heavenly habitation, reunion with Me. Enter therein and tarry not. This is that which hath been destined for thee in Our kingdom above, and Our exalted Dominion."

Beauty is our inheritance:

"Abandon not the everlasting Beauty for a beauty that must die...."

"O Son of Human being!

"Rejoice in the gladness of thine heart, that thou mayest be worthy to meet Me and to mirror along My beauty.

"Fail not My commandments if one thousand lovest My beauty.

Death has no power over u.s.:

"I have made death a messenger of joy to thee.

"Wherefore dost thou grieve? I made the light to shed on thee its splendour. Why dost grand veil thyself therefrom?

"The gates that open up on the placeless stand broad....

"O Son of Man! G art My dominion, and My dominion perisheth non, wherefore fearest 1000 thy perishing? G art My light, My low-cal


shall never be put out, why dost thou dread thine extinction? Thou fine art My glory, and My celebrity fadeth not; yard fine art ;My robe, My robe shall never be outworn. Bide therefore in thy love for Me. That thou mayest find Me in the realm of glory.

"My calam ity is My providence, outwardly information technology is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy."

Our rest and peace are in God alone:

"O Son of Homo!

"Wert g to speed through the immensity of infinite and traverse the surface area of sky, all the same thou shouldst detect no rest salvage due north submission to Our command and humbleness earlier Our Face up.

"O Son of Spirit!

"There is no peace for thee, save by renouncing thyself and turning unto Me; for it behoveth thee to glory in My name, not in thine ain; to put thy trust in Me and not in thyself, since I desire to be loved alone and above all that is.

"O Son of Glory!

"Be swift in the path of holiness, and enter the heaven of communion with Me. Cleanse thine center with the brighten of the spirit, and hasten to the court of the Most High."

The "Kitab-i-Iqan"

It was during the Baghdad period that the Kitab-i-Iqan, the Book of Certitude, was written by Bahá'u'lláh. It is one of the most important of all the Writings. In it, Bahá'u'lláh "unseals the Volume" and discloses the true meaning of the symbolism and allegory of past Scriptures.

"This servant will at present share with thee a dewdrop out of the fathomless body of water of the truths treasured in these holy words, that haply discerning hearts may embrace all the allusions and the implications of the utterances of the Manifestations of Holiness...."

The 2d role of the Kitab-i-Iqan is an exposition of the station and nature of the Manifestation of God, that Mysterious Being Who, at diverse times, and under different Names, restores vigour to the dead body of religion and reveals the Truth in progressive measure out to the evolving consciousness of mankind.

"The door of the noesis of the Ancient of Days existence thus closed in the face of all beings, the Source of infinite grace ... hath acquired those luminous Gems of Holiness to appear out of the realm of the spirit, in the noble form of the human being temple, and be made manifest unto all men, that they may impart unto the earth the mysteries of the unchangeable Being, and tell of the subtleties of His imperishable Essence. These sanctified Mirrors, these Day-springs of aboriginal glory are i and all the Exponents on globe of Him Who is the central Orb of the universe, its Essence and ultimate Purpose. From Him keep their noesis and ability; from Him is derived their sovereignty. The beauty of their countenance is only a reflection of His image, and their revelation a sign of His deathless glory. They are the Treasuries of divine knowledge, and the Repositories of celestial wisdom. Through them is transmitted a grace that is infinite, and past them is revealed the light that can never fade. Even as He hath said: "There is no distinction any betwixt Thee and Them; except that they are Thy servants, and are created of Thee." This is the significance of the tradition: "I am He, Himself, and He is I, myself."

Nosotros have the privilege of reading this volume in the cute translation of the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, Shoghi Effendi.


From Memories of Nabil

[Footnote: Historian of the Bahá'í Faith; writer of "The Dawn-Breakers."]

When I was transferred from the Cairo prison to that of Alexandria, the late Siyyid Husayn Appealed to Sharif Pasha on my behalf, protesting that I, beingness on Ottoman field of study, was wrongfully imprisoned by order of the Farsi Consular authorities (who possessed no authority over me). I was straightway removed from the lower story of the prison to the higher flooring, where in that location was purer air.

At the same time the Delegate was questioned concerning my case.

In this prison I made the associate of M. Faris, a Christian doc.

He tried to convert me to Christianity, and I endeavoured to make him into a Bahá'í; in this, I at length succeeded.

Information technology came to pass that when I was in the Cairo prison, I dreamed a dream: "His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh, promised me, that subsequently eighty-one days, the hardships under which I was suffering would exist at an end."

At present the very day that I was removed from the lower to the upper story of the prison house was the eighty-first twenty-four hour period after my dream.

Towards the dusk hour I went up on the roof of the prison house, where I tickled myself by watching those who passed by.

To my amazement I saw, amidst those people, Aqa Muhammad Ibrahim, who was i of the servitors of His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh.

He had landed, with an escort, to buy some necessary provisions for the continued voyage. I chosen out to him "Come up, come upward."

He was able to persuade his baby-sit to permit him to come up to me on the roof, the baby-sit escort accompanying him.

Aqa Muhammad Ibrahim told me that His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh, His family, and His attendants had been one time


more exiled. This time their destination was the castle fortress in the city of 'Akka, and at present they were on their mode to that prison.

This servitor was not permitted to speak any more, but he promised me, ere he was hurried abroad, that on his render to the steamer, he would mention my name in the Holy Presence.

I was greatly agitated by this episode.

After a few minutes Dr. Faris found me in a very disturbed state of heed.

I had previously related my Cairo dream to him, and he at present said:

"To-day is the fourscore-beginning day later on your dream, and instead of being happy you are more than miserable than ever. Why is that?"

I told him what had happened, that the Beloved of my eye was in that steamer and I had no means of gaining admission to His HOly Presence!

The doctor then became every bit gloomy as myself.

"Had it not been that to-morrow is Friday," he said, "I should accept been able to plan some means past which we both could keep board that ship and have the joy of seeing His blessed face up."

Dr. Faris said: "Write quickly what you wish to say to Him, and I will try to have your letter of the alphabet, with mine too, taken on lath early in the morning to the Blessed Beauty. I know a young man, a watchmaker, who is a Christian--he will doubtless render this service to u.s.a.."

That dark neither the doctor nor myself could sleep.

Early next morning time we went upwards on to the roof to sentinel the send, which was visible from our prison. After 2 hours we heard the whistle of the boat, and the steamer had started.

We trembled as nosotros saw her steaming away, and were total of sorrow that Constantine had not succeeded in doing that great favour for us.

Again nosotros saw the boat finish for a few minutes, so, alas! she started anew.

I cannot describe the turmoil of our minds and the excruciating agony of incertitude and expectation in those few hours until the return of Constantine, the young Christian man, who


had undertaken to deliver our bulletin to His Holiness, our Beloved.

The young homo, however, came towards usa with a bundle in his mitt.

As he handed information technology to usa, he cried:

"Past Heaven, I have seen the Father of Christ."

Doc Faris, in an ecstasy with tears streaming downwards his face, seized Constantine and kissed both his eyes, those eyes which had seen the "Beloved."

"O boyfriend, ours was the burning want, the longing, and the pain of separation. Yours was the bounty and the grace of entering the Presence of the Blessed Beauty."

The packet consisted of a handkerchief which independent a Tablet, written by Bahá'u'lláh's ain hand, addressed to me, an epistle from the Greatest Co-operative, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, and a package of sweetmeats sent by the Purest Branch.

In the Tablet, which was addressed to "Nabil," was likewise written the reply to the appeal of Dr. Faris. Bahá'u'lláh assured the doctor "that he would very shortly be released form the prison house, in spite of the ill-wishes of his enemies."

Co-ordinate to the promise of Bahá'u'lláh, the doctor was set free on the third day.

He became a devout believer, and began to spread the Holy Crusade among the Christians.

One of the attendants wrote a short letter of the alphabet to united states of america describing how Constantine had without any difficulty succeeded in gaining admission to the Holy Presence, when he was able to present our petitions.

Immediately Bahá'u'lláh revealed the Tablet in reply to those petitions.

He sent for the messenger and, pouring forth divine loving-kindness upon him, entrusted into his hands the Tablet.

After a while I, Nabil, was summoned to the Governor of the prison house, who ordered me to begone, and to leave Alexandria, for, he said, my presence in the country created disorder and rebellion.


The Azalis in 'Akka

The high claims of Subh-i-Azal have already been explained and their absurdity shown.

Nevertheless his mischievous intrigues continued to harass the band of exiles in 'Akka.

Subh-i-Azal, with the few who elected to follow him, was sent to Cyprus when the exiles came to 'Akka; two or three of the Bahá'í friends were ordered to proceed to Cyprus with that political party, and three Azalis were told off to alive in 'Akka with the Bahá'ís. These iii, Siyyid Muhammad, Rida-Quli, and Aqa-Jan, standing the Azali tactics, acquired trouble from the get-go days of danger and difficulty.

The Muhammadan population of 'Akka, being of the Sunni sectionalisation of Islam, had no dear for the Shi'ah world, the other master Muslims. There was a feud between these ii communities.

This dislike was seized upon by the Azalis as a great help in their intrigues confronting the Bahá'ís.

They, obtaining some Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, altered some of the words, entirely perverting the meaning, thereby making information technology announced to support their allegation that Bahá'u'lláh was a fanatical Shi'ite and a bitter enemy of the Sunnis.

These enemies posed equally devoted Sunnis, telling the already suspicious mullas that "We used to be Babis, but at present we are better informed of the truth of ;religion, we desire to get Sunni Muslims. We are no friends of Bahá'u'lláh, who is your deadly enemy. These Babis are spies, and are always plotting against the true religion! The pilgrims who come from Persia are in reality fanatic Shi'ites, for ever working against the Sunnies."

They, the Azalis, being spies and full of cunning, sometimes were able to lay their hands upon Tablets revealed past Bahá'u'lláh; for this reason the names of the recipients were often omitted, as formerly in the case of the Bab, to avoid danger to the friends.

Some other plan was to sentinel for pilgrims arriving from Persia;


they would hasten to give information to thew Governor, with lists of false accusations against these innocent, devoted, and very tired Bahá'í friends, who would often be arrested, and rigorously treated.

Altogether these Azalis continued to create an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust, as harsh and uncomprehending as unwarrantable.

Several of the devoted Bahá'ís decided that these stirrers-up of mischief should be silenced.

No more should these traitors bring trouble and persecution and added hardships upon their Dear One and the friends.

"If these spies and traitors impale u.s.a., then we shall accept sacrificed our lives to protect the Holy Ones. If we kill them we shall take delivered the Bahá'ís from their most pernicious enemies. Bahá'u'lláh will excommunicate us--that is terrible! We shall then have sacrificed our souls! But this evil shall be destroyed! Information technology shall be destroyed!

In pursuance of their solemn determination they went to the house where the Azalis lived--called upon them to requite up their wickedness. They refused.

"Then you must be killed," sternly said the Bahá'ís!

There was a trigger-happy fight, and the three Azalis were killed.

The avengers gave themselves upwardly to the authorities, who were total of perplexity, thinking it highly improbably that either Bahá'u'lláh or the Master would instigate such a crime.

But the people caused a great turmoil, beingness incited by such fanatics every bit were enemies of the Bahá'ís.

They were encouraged to believe that it was a case of Sunni versus Shi'ah, that the Shi'ites, amid whom they counted all the exiles, from Bahá'u'lláh downwardly to the humblest of the friends, had conspired to kill three Sunnis, because of their devotion to their religion. The tumult was fierce. The people rushed towards Bahá'u'lláh'southward house, yelling with rage!

Bahá'u'lláh, in a letter to a friend in Persia, tells how ane 24-hour interval, sitting in His room in the "little house," engaged in dictating Tablets to His amanuensis, sounds of a violent commotion were heard.

The Governor, a company of soldiers with drawn swords,


and a oversupply of people shouting and yelling, were outside the house. The Master was in the Biruni (reception room) on the contrary of the street.

Hearing the turmoil, he came out. The Governor was calling to Bahá'u'lláh to come up down.

With much difficulty the Master got through the oversupply, which was growing denser and denser, and said to Bahá'u'lláh:

"The Governor is summoning you and me to come downwardly to him. I know not why. Something must take happened."

They were both taken to the Governor's room at the Courtroom Firm.

The officials present rose respectfully and conducted them to seats of laurels.

The Governor and his officials were excitedly talking together. The former came to Bahá'u'lláh and the Master, saying:

"Yous will be more than comfortable in some other room whilst our consultation takes place."

They were accordingly conducted into the next room. Hither they plant a number of the Bahá'ís, who had too been arrested.

In this room they were detained for 5 hours.

During this time, a secretarial assistant tells us, the dictation of the Tablets, interrupted by the arrest, was continued.

Almost ane o'clock in the morning the friends were taken to the horrible town prison.

At a subsequently date I visited this prison. It is a vault-similar, long, low room, very clammy, with slime-covered walls and mucilaginous mud floor. There is no light except that coming through the door when it is open, and the glimmer of a modest lantern.

Across the end of the door is a stone seat; on this the jailer sabbatum with a vicious scourge of thongs, weighted with lead, in his paw, ready for apply on the slightest provocation, for instance, if a prisoner coughed too persistently, or spoke, or complained.

The prisoners, often besides numerous to exist able to prevarication down, were herded together in torturing, ghastly, unrestful misery, their chains eating into their mankind, causing excruciating desperation as they and those to whom they were chained writhed in their wretchedness upon the filth of the flooring--at that place were no beds. Sometimes a poor fellow, unable to carry his ache whatsoever


longer, would go mad and shriek out. The jailer would then stride to him, trampling on the bodies of those who were in his path, and ruthlessly beat him till he lay still, or, equally often happened, he died. When he, the jailer, felt inclined, he would unchain him from those to whom he was fettered, drag the pitifully bruised and mutilated torso to the door, and cast it out in the prison house m.

I cannot describe the expressions on the faces of the Greatest Holy Leaf, the dear Holy Female parent, and the daughters of the Master, equally they stood in this home of horror. It was surely on the most disturbing landmarks of all their memories of the miseries heaped year ;afterward year upon their Beloved Ones Who were spending their lives for that humanity which, unworthy as it was, despised and tortured and scorned Them, and whom these Great Ones loved in spite of all, praying without ceasing for their pardon.

The old man, Aqa Husayn-i-Aschchi, who went with u.s.a. when we visited this prison, was one of those Bahá'ís who had been imprisoned here at the time of the Azali thing; he was, therefore, well qualified to draw the conditions of the time and place.

Into this evil dungeon the Master was cast, whilst Bahá'u'lláh was confined in a room on the upper floor.

The next night a telegram arrived from the principal Vali (Governor) of Syria who was in Damascus, ordering that Bahá'u'lláh should be removed from the prison to an upper room, where He remained for thirty-8 hours.

The Principal, all this time, was kept in the horror of the prison in bondage!

On the third solar day Bahá'u'lláh was again taken to the Court House to be interrogated.

When He came into the assembly, He said:

"Y'all obey your own constabulary, and condone the Law of God. Why accept ;you not understood?"

The Governor said:

"Will you excuse me if I ask you some questions? We are compelled to do so. Otherwise we should be ourselves reprimanded. What is your name, and from what state do you come?"

Bahá'u'lláh replied:


"You volition observe my description in your records. Read them and you lot will know who I am."

"Nay, but we wish that you should tell us your name, and from what country you come up."

"My name is Bahá'u'lláh, and my country is Nur."

"Why are ;you lot gathered together? If information technology be your wish to detect occasion against me whereby to take my life, my desire is as your desire. When I laissez passer a tree, I say 'Would that thou wert a cross, Oh, tree! and that I were nailed upon thee.' If only y'all could empathize, I would make you hear the melody of the nightingale, who is chanting on a co-operative of the tree of the Lord, then would it go manifest to you that Servitude is the Essence of Worship."

The Governor said:

"Now we know that the accusation is false, therefore yard shalt be ready free to render to thine own firm."

"I should prefer to go back to my prison and bide with my friends until the time of their release.'

"We cannot prepare them complimentary," said the Governor, "because of the turmoil of the people; they must remain yet a few more days."

Bahá'u'lláh therefore returned to His firm.

Simply the Principal was left in the prison house!

To Him, officials came enervating keys, saying:

"Nosotros must search the house for weapons.:

The Main said:

"There are ladies at that place solitary; you must have me with you."

They did not object, merely took Him through the streets with bondage on His neck and on His feet.

He held His 'aba close, as He went into His mother's room, that she might not see the bondage, but they could not be hidden from her loving optics; she saw them and wept bitterly.

When no weapons were plant, the Principal explained to the officials how the tragic occurrence came to have place, and, when they understood, the Master was set free.

The men who had been concerned in the affray were tried by the court and sentenced to varying periods of imprisonment.

Later on a short time farther investigations were fabricated; the government establish out what disturbers of the peace those men,


the Azalis, were, and what great provocation the prisoners had endured; therefore because of these extenuating circumstances, the length of the sentences was shortened.

Such was the end of the malicious plotting of the Azalis at 'Akka.

(In another role of her manuscript, Lady Blomfield has the following account of this incident, with the notation: "Told by Tuba Khanum"; obviously when she visited this prison house in visitor with the ladies of the Family unit.--Ed.)

When the Chief was told, whilst hither in this terrible place, that His house was to be searched, He said:

"I will go with you. Yous may search freely, merely I go with you, that the ladies be not frightened."

The officials seemed as well astonished by the say-so in His vocalism to make any objection.

So our Dearest came to us, begetting yet those heavy chains. He walked, thus manacled, through the streets of 'Akka.

When He came to His mother's room, He hid the chains under His 'Aba, simply she and I saw them, and our hearts were so sore that, weeping bitterly, nosotros felt that we could comport no more.

He cheered us, telling us that He would very soon be with us over again. He left us, and this is the place ;to which He returned. His very heart was wounded as He saw the intolerable sufferings of the prisoners. These poor, ignorant children of God! Not a word of His ain sufferings, only: "Oh, the prisoners! Surely of all the sorrowful sons of men, the most unhappy, the most hopeless!"

* * *

How often, in the years that were to come, did the Master intercede for prisoners, obtaining at least some amelioration of their status; once again, as frequently happened, He instituted enquiries which resulted in release or shortening of the sentence, according to the facts elicited by the investigations attack foot past Him. The Master spared HImself no trouble, and rested not day nor nighttime whilst any hope remained for these pitifully helpless victims, as they sometimes proved to be, of ill-organized police force administration or of a harsh and ruthless officialdom.


Some Utterances of 'Abdu'50-Bahá Concerning Bahá'u'lláh

(Table talk at Abu-Sinan during the sojourn in the state of war days.)

One day in Baghdad He called all His friends together and spoke to them of God. Then He departed from them alone. Nobody knew but where He was. Even we were non informed.

Two years passed.

Some of the time He dwelt in the mountains, again He sheltered in grottoes, and part of the time He abode in the metropolis of Sulaymaniyyih.

Though lone and lonely, and nobody knew Him, yet all through Kurdistan it was spread abroad in the ears of all men that "This unnamed person is the almost remarkable personage in the land.

"He is exceedingly well learned.

"He is possessed of a smashing power.

"He has a jumbo, powerful attraction, and all Kurdistan is magnetized by His Love."

But Bahá'u'lláh passed all this time in poverty, even His robes and wearing apparel were of the poor. He ate the poor food of the indigent.

The radiance of Majesty, compelling reverence, was manifested from Him as from the sun at noonday, therefore He was so greatly reverenced in this life.

Then He left Kurdistan and arrived at abode in Baghdad.

The Kurds came from Sulaymaniyyih to visit Him, and found Him in great condolement, and they were astonished at the appointments, and all they saw of His surroundings, after coming from the seclusion and poverty of His life in Kurdistan.

They were exceedingly amazed at the difference of status.

In short, the Authorities of Persia thought and hoped that the banishment of Bahá'u'lláh, the Blest Perfection, from the kingdom of Persia would be the means of exterminating the Cause in the country.


And so they perceived that the Crusade spread more and more rapidly. The fame became more widely circulated. The Teachings of the Blessed Perfection became more pronounced.

And then the Master of Persia determined to miscarry Bahá'u'lláh from Baghdad.

He arrived in Constantinople.

Whilst in Constantinople He was regardless of any custom. He paid no attention to the ministers nor to the clergy.

Then the Persian ministers succeeded in having HIm banished from Constantinople--desiring to take Him kept at a great altitude from Persia.

So His giving out of His Teaching had to be in hole-and-corner.

In spite of all, the Cause still spread.

They they said:

"We, indeed, are endeavouring to banish Bahá'u'lláh from place to place, but each fourth dimension the Cause is more spread away, and HIs proclamation is more widely circulated through the lands, and twenty-four hour period by day His Lamp is shining with a brighter Light. The authorisation of His Crusade is waxing more and more than strong. The reason of this daily increasing power and knowledge of the Cause is that He has been sent to cities of and so large a population; therefore it would be improve to transport Him to a penal colony, so that He may be considered as a suspect; so that all people may know that He is amongst criminals; that He is in the prison house of murderers, of robbers, and other law-breakers; then that in a short time He and His followers may perish."

Therefore the Shah of Persia persuaded 'Abdu'50-'Azz to accept Him banished to the prison of 'Akka.

When Bahá'u'lláh arrived at the prison of 'Akka, through the power of God, He was enabled to hoist His imprint. It was at first a star.

It became a mighty sun.

The fame of the Cause of the Blessed Perfection went far and broad, into distant lands of the East and of the West.

From this prison, from within its walls, He wrote epistles to all the kings. He summoned them to arbitration and the Most Neat Peace.

Some of the sovereigns received this summons with haughty pride. Ane of these was the Ottoman King, another the French


Emperor; the latter sent no reply; then some other epistle was addressed to Napoleon Three stating: "I have already sent you an epistle, summoning y'all to the Cause, but you heeded information technology non. You one time proclaimed that you were the defender of the oppressed, at present it became axiomatic that this is no true merits. You are not a protector of your ain distressed and oppressed people. You are devoted to your own interests; and this pride of yours, which is supported by your commands, must be overthrown.

"Because of this arrogance of yours, therefore, in a short time God will destroy your sovereignty.

"France volition fall away from you, and will exist vanquished by a great conquest.

"[On] the banks of its rivers volition be places of lamentation and mourning.

"The women of France will weep and bewail the loss of their sons."

Such was the arraignment which was sent, and it has been published and spread abroad.

Were you to y'all read that epistle, you would perceive what an arraignment it is!

Now consider:

One prisoner, single and solitary, with no assistant, neither protector, moreover a foreigner, a stranger, imprisoned in the fortress of 'Akka, writing such epistles to kings! Writing such an epistle to the Sultan of Turkey, whilst He was a prisoner in 'Akka!

Bahá'u'lláh hoisted His banner within the walls of that prison.

Refer to all history. Information technology has no parallel! No such event has ever taken place earlier. That a stranger, alone and a prisoner, has succeeded in advancing His Cause, and been enabled to spread broadcast His Teachings, so that, eventually, He was powerful enough to conquer the very male monarch who banished Him.

His Cause continued to spread.

The Blessed Perfection was for twenty-v years in that prison house. During all this time He was subjected to the persecutions of the people. He underwent the sorrow of the atrocities and banishments of the people of Persia.


You may learn how they pillaged His property in Persia. How they chained Him in prison. HOw they banished Him from Persia to Baghdad. How a second time He was banished from Baghdad to Constantinople. A 3rd banishment was from Constantinople to Roumelia (Adrianople).

A fourth time was He banished, from Roumelia to the Most Great Prison.

During all His lifetime He had no moment's balance! He did not pass one night in restful sleep for His body!

He bore all these ordeals and catastrophes and difficulties in guild that, in the world of humanity, a selflessness might become apparent.

In social club that the Most Great Peace might become a reality in the world of humanity.

In guild that waiting souls might get manifest as the very angels of Heaven.

In order that Heavenly miracles might become perfected among men.

In society that the religion of humanity might become adequate.

In social club that the priceless, precious bestowal of God in the human temple, the Mind of humanity, might develop to its fullest capacity.

In social club that infants may exist (in truth) likenesses of God, even as information technology has been written in the Bible:

"We shall create men in Our Ain Image."

Bahá'u'lláh bore all these ordeals and catastrophes for this:

That our hearts might exist illumined.

That our spirits might become glad.

That our imperfections might be replaced by virtues.

That our ignorance might be transformed into knowledge.

In order that we might acquire the fruits of humanity and obtain Heavenly graces.

Although nosotros are now on globe, allow us walk [travel] in the Kingdom.

Although we are needy, let us plead for Heavenly treasure.

Although we are needy, let usa plead for Heavenly treasure.

For these bounties to us has the Blessed Perfection borne so not bad difficulties.


Trust all to God.

The Light of God is resplendent.

The Blessed Epistles are spreading.

You will before long run into that the Heavenly Teachings have begun, that the Oneness of the World of Humanity is becoming a glorious Reality!

The Blest Teachings are being spread in the East and in the Westward.

The Imprint of the Virtually Great Peace has been unfurled, and the keen Community of the Kingdom of God is at mitt.

previous chapter chapter iii beginning page unmarried page


Source: https://bahai-library.com/blomfield_chosen_highway&chapter=4

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